Originally Posted by Forever-mango
Hello all,
I have been facinated by the Macodes sanderiana and the jewel orchids. I currently have a Macodes sanderiana growing in potting mix which i keep indoors under a humidity tray and next to my aquarium (so it gets sunlight and artifical lighting). I have been researching and i see many people growing them in moss and under very high humidity.
My question is, what is the best medium to have them in, and how can i increase humidity for them? I got heaps of spare aquariums i could use for a terrarium or something like that. I have also ordered 2 flasks of Macodes Petola and Macodes sanderiana for my first experiment.
Hope you can help me out
Hi, I’m a JO nut, Macodes sanderiana is one of my favorites. There’s many kinds of potting mixes that will work well the common denominator is well drained, I use a mix of sphagnum moss, coconut fiber, fir bark and small pieces of charcoal, on a larger plant I will add some peat. When they’re very small with tender roots I grow mine in sphagnum alone and they do just fine.
Like most JO’s high humidity is very important 75% – 80%is ideal. Going much over this could create fungus problems. They love to be misted with very fine distilled water 2 or 3 times a day. Absorption through the foliage exceeds the roots especially with young plants. I foliar feed at 1/2 strength once every week to 10 days and feed the roots about once a month at 1/4 strength. Be careful with too much light as it will bleach the leaves and you will lose some of their beautiful color.