Hi Everbody,
I am wondering if I can get more input on this oncidium I bought a month ago. It is being watered every week now because I noticed the psedo bulbs are getting so wrinkled. I tried checking the roots and they all white. Izzie thought one of the older bulb might have a rot but I am more worried about the small one in the middle that is not healthy looking. It turned an ugly shade of yellow and brown and it looks soft. The bulbs have gotten more wrinkled and the flowers are almost all dried and have fallen off. This plant is sick and is not doing well Help anybody?waht should I do?
if the flowers are gone its time to repot...just take it out of the pot, cut all the rotten roots off, and put it back in the same pot with new media...i would remove that little psuedobulb that appears to be aged...you can rinse the cuts with peroxide or physan 20...some folks dust surface cuts with cinnamon....
I just repotted an Oncidium that looked like that- it was very crowded in it's pot and the grower who sold it to me had said to repot it when it finished flowering- I first underwatered and then overwatered it. I removed about 1/3 of the pseudobulbs- they were hard to separate from the rest of the plant as they were soft and mushy and just tore away and fell apart. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to save the plant.