Originally Posted by Singingirl96
I take full blame on this. I tried to use slow release pellets orchid fertilizer, and I think I might have used too much and burned all the roots. These plants were strong and thriving. In fact they bloomed this year before this happened.
Is there a way to save these guys or are they beyond repair. I've been sphag n' baggin' the hell out of them, and it doesn't seem to be helping. I also soak them for hours once a week for the last 3 weeks.
One of them seems to be responding with 3 measly roots.
Any suggestions.
Your first plant reminds of how my favorite Cattleya looked about 3 1/2 years ago. I didn't realize how sick it was until I removed it from it's pot. She still had leaves but her bulbs were all wrinkled. Every root had dried up, so I snipped them all away to the rhizome. Then I replanted the poor thing into a terracotta orchid pot using a mixture of fresh well soaked bark, pearlite, charcoal, and a little spagnum moss. I wired the rhizome into the pot to prevent it from toppling out and gave the whole pot a good 15 minute soak about every 5 days. Within a few weeks new pseudobulbs began to emerge and I began to lightly fertilize after the roots began appearing.
My cattleya's recovery was truly amazing. This particular plant had never bloomed but it doubled in size and produced 17 blooms by the following spring. She is now one of my most vigorous growing chids and has since been bumped from an 8" to a 13" to a 15" pot.
I think a lot of my success was due to perfect timing. I live in Florida and the rescue repot took place in April. It was Spring, the weather was warm, and it was the natural time of year for plants to put forth new growth.
This is the perfect time of year to repot, therefore, I think all of your plants have the potential to make a full recovery.
Wishing you the very best of luck.
This is what my baby looks like now. She blessed me with 34 blooms this year.