I have just noticed drops of sticky stuff on the sides of one new shoot of my Cymbidium. I have never seen this before with any of my other orchids and am wondering what it might be and also if I should be worried? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Have you never seen this on your other Cymbidiums or different type of Orchids? I had like little sticky blobs at the back of my cymbidium flowers, I think its called happy sap and its perfectly harmless. Are there flowers on your shoot yet and have you checked for bugs? Really have a good root around and I suggest if possible you post a photo for someone more experienced to help you.
Hello No, I have never seen this on any of them. It just finished flowering and only on the newest shoot. Strange. I will try to upload a pic. I hope it is like you said "happy"
Not to worry. The substance on your plant is commonly referred to as "honey dew". It's produced by a happy plant. LOL
If you taste it you'll find it sweet.
I think it is produced as a way to ward off insects. Like in the peony, it secrets this sugary substance to allure ants who in turn keep the paper wasps away. Just my opinion tho.
Would that be why my Catt has little black ants all over the flower bud? They seem to be on all of my orchids just within the past week, they are mostly on the flower spikes but I noticed a bunch on the underside of a phal leaf and it seems like they're sucking the liquid from it.
Would that be why my Catt has little black ants all over the flower bud? They seem to be on all of my orchids just within the past week, they are mostly on the flower spikes but I noticed a bunch on the underside of a phal leaf and it seems like they're sucking the liquid from it.
There is a difference between ants feeding on the "sap" and sucking on the leaves.
That doesn't sound good. Why not post your pictures and question to the Pest and Diseases forum.
Thanks everyone! I feel so much better now. Very interesting. It may be "happy" today because I moved it outside for the beautiful weather Thanks again.