Saving your phalaenopsis with root rot 101
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Saving your phalaenopsis with root rot 101
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Old 04-07-2010, 11:32 PM
tinabee tinabee is offline
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Saving your phalaenopsis with root rot 101
Default Saving your phalaenopsis with root rot 101

We have all done it. Killed it, over-loved it,ignored it, or just placed the poor thing in growing conditions that made it say, "What the heck were you THINKING!" I decided to post this for those of you who are new to orchids, specifically phals. Those who have been around the block longer than I have may add additional information, or disagree with what I have to say, but after a year and a half of trial and error with my phals, I know what works for me.

Please adapt these instructions to your growing conditions. Ray Barkalow has completely transformed how I go about rescuing phals. I am typing this so you have information at your fingertips when visiting this board, but his website is the final word on the subject:

Supplies you will need, besides your plant:

Gloves (if desired)
Semi hydoponic pot.
Paper towels.
Physan or RD 20.
Spray bottle
Sterlilized plant cutters
LECA pebbles (Prime Agra, Alliflor or Hydroton)
3 gallons of warm, purified water, either reverse osmosis or distilled
Large bowl
Garbage can lined with bag.
Ziploc bag, gallon size.

1) Gently remove your phal. from it's pot and carefully remove all of the potting media over your garbage can. Be sure you remove as much potting material as possible, particularly underneath the rhizome.

2.) Using your sterilized cutters, trim away all of the mushy, hollow-feeling roots. If the roots feel nice and firm, no matter what color they are, leave them on. If they are hanging by a string, trim those too.

NOTE: If the plant has a severely depleted root system and floppy leaves, also trim off the bloom spikes. You can place the bloom spikes in a vase if desired. The reason why is because your stressed plant needs energy to rebuild new leaves and a new root system.

3)Following the directions on the Physan 20 or RD 20 bottle, mix with water in the proper dilution in one of the gallon jugs, and add to spray bottle. Spray the root area with this mixture to disinfect. Place your plant on a paper towel and set aside.

4) Fill your colander in the sink with LECA pebbles, and rinse the pebbles under running water to get rid of all of the grit. Transfer the rinsed LECA into a deep bowl. If there is still grit floating around, throw the LECA back in the colander and rinse again. You may have to do this several times. Be sure the bowl is clean before adding pebbles to soak.

5) Mix KLN rooting hormone 1 teaspoon to the other one gallon of water. Place clean LECA pebbles into your clean bowl, and pour this mixture all over the LECA until it is covered. Let sit for 48 hours.

6) In between times, keep your plant on the paper towel. Periodically spray the Physan or RD 20/water mix on the plant to keep it hydrated and disinfected.

7) Now that 48 hours has passed, it is time to plant up your phal. Place soaked LECA pebbles into the semi hydroponic pot until they are an inch above the drain holes. Center your phal gently on the layer of pebbles, and as you are holding it, add more pebbles and gently shake the pot so that pebbles surround the roots. Keep adding pebbles until they reach the base of the bottom leaves.

NOTE: If your remaining root area is very minimal, just rest the plant on top of this initial layer of pebbles, and don't add any more.

8)IN the remaining gallon bottle of water, mix 1 teaspoon of KLN. Water your plant by pouring water into it until the level reaches the top of the pebbles, and let it drain. When it stops draining, your plant is watered.
Be sure there is no standing water on the leaves or in the crown.

9) Place the whole plant and pot inside of the plastic Ziploc bag. Close the top of the bag completely and set aside in a shady, warm corner of your growing area. Leave it alone for a few weeks.

The advantage of this is when the plant grows new roots, you will not have to repot it since the new roots will be adapted to the semi hydroponic culture.

For more info., please check out Orchid Growing Supplies Semi-hydroponics Hydroponics Orchid Books PrimeAgra

Hope this helps!!

Last edited by tinabee; 04-07-2010 at 11:52 PM..
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leca, pebbles, plant, root, water, rot, phalaenopsis, saving

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