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Old 04-01-2010, 03:29 PM
Izzie Izzie is offline
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Please make up my mind! Female
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Okay. I need help.

Can someone please make up my mind for me?

I've been wigging out and fretting for over a week now, ever since I bought my first species, c. intermedia and phal. stuartiana.


When I got these guys, their bark had some moss growing on it, as well as some algae.

1. The cattleya was not potted well- rhizome was below the medium, and what roots I can see are not in the best shape.
- it has a new lead starting
- it is in full bloom

2. The stuartiana has some great roots. Most of them have actively growing tips, and it has some new nubs starting.
-it has a spike that looks to be less than a month from blooming.
-it is in a small opaque square pot with large bark chips- and from what I can tell, not a lot of medium for it to work with, like the pot wasn't filled all the way.

3. Some new house plants we brought in this week really upped the population of fungus gnats.
- I watered with a dilute Bayer 3-in-1 solution yesterday. (had to do very dilute in order to keep the PPM well below the 1000s)
-I have seen several gnats in the medium of most of my orchids and other plants.
-I am looking into getting a D. capensis (cape sundew) to help with the pests, but that probably won't happen for another month.

So, there are the details about those guys and what's been going on.


4. I want to get new pots for these guys (slotted clear plastic) to replace their square opaque pots that don't fit into any cache pots that I have.
-no vendors near me carry them, so I have to order them
-I don't want to order them until I know how many orchids I'll be repotting. (see next number)

5. I kind of want to wait until I order/receive my project plants for the member project here. That could be anywhere from next week to 3 wks from now.
-I want to see what pots they come in, and replace with a round clear/slotted if needed.


I. Obviously, repot or not?

II. I have two terra cotta "orchid pots" that are small enough for the orchids I have, and have 4 good slots cut out of the sides.
-Because I'm still not quite confident in my watering schedule/prone to over and underwatering, I want to keep any orchids I have in clear pots so that I can check on the roots
-however, since I have these clay pots at hand, should I just put the Catt and phal in them and learn to pay really close attention to watering?

III. I can post pictures of anything if you need it.

ETA: I have a vanda basket I could put either of them in.

The medium I plan on using either way is a 3:1 CHC and charcoal mix, possibly with a sphag moss top dressing.

So there you have it. I'm tired of being on the fence about all of this, so would like some solid advice about what to do.


Last edited by Izzie; 04-01-2010 at 03:57 PM..
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Old 04-01-2010, 03:32 PM
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Could you possibly mount the stuartiana? It'll love you for it
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Old 04-01-2010, 03:55 PM
Izzie Izzie is offline
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I've been advised against mounting since I live in a very dry environment year round, inside or out.
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Old 04-01-2010, 03:56 PM
Izzie Izzie is offline
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I have a vanda basket I could put either of them in.

The medium I plan on using either way is a 3:1 CHC and charcoal mix, possibly with a sphag moss top dressing.
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Old 04-01-2010, 04:05 PM
Royal Royal is offline
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Hi Izzie,

P. stuartiana (and most other mottled-leaf orchids from the Philippenes) have roots that like to wander. A medium that is a little chunkier than the typical Phal medium is common, so is filling the pot only halfway. If the roots look good, it's not cause for concern. I've gotten away from potting any Phal in clay pots unless they're really big. I would wait for the plastic ones to arrive, and maybe even wait until it blooms to re-pot it.

The Catt will like the clay pot. I'd wait until it's done blooming, though.

I try to use a medium (and pot type) that allows me to stick to a routine watering schedule, instead of using similar pots and media and altering my watering based on their needs. For instance, If you go with plastic for the phal, and clay for the catt, watering once per week may be perfect for both of them even though their water needs vary greatly.
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Old 04-01-2010, 04:09 PM
Izzie Izzie is offline
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Please make up my mind! Female

Thanks Royal!
Why would the catt like the clay pot? Can I put some packing peanuts in the bottom- not being able to check on the roots makes me really nervous.

Would the stuartiana like the vanda basket if those roots like wandering? The CHC (medium size)that I got is by no means as big as the bark bits it's in now- should I get bigger media for this guy?

ETA: because the phal pot is filled halfway, it sits very low in the pot. is that okay? How should I repot it then? As in, where in the level of the medium/pot should I sit the plant?
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Old 04-02-2010, 01:41 AM
Izzie Izzie is offline
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So who are all the 65 views?
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Old 04-02-2010, 11:35 AM
Izzie Izzie is offline
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Any other knowledgeables feel like chiming in?
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Old 04-02-2010, 01:29 PM
Cym Ladye Cym Ladye is offline
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I am going to ask you four questions which should help you make up your own mind:

!) What is your ambient humidity or what is the ambient humidity you can provide for your plants?
2) What are your watering habits?
3) Have you studied the natural requirements of these species and how they grow in their native habitat?
4) Does your environment naturally or can you manually provide them with these requirements?

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Old 04-02-2010, 01:43 PM
dounoharm dounoharm is offline
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ditto on the cattleya in the clay pot....and ditto on waiting till its done blooming to move it....i would wait to repot till you get the new pots in...also dont put the sphag on the top of the medium for the catt...they dont like thier feet wet....
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guys, medium, orchids, pots, roots, mind

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