Mini Phal Rescue(s)
I was picking up a couple of things at Lowe's this afternoon, stumbled upon the clearance rack, and couldn't resist a $5 mini phal. The pot actually had two separate orchids, the sadder one in the photos has a spike that looks like one bud may still be viable (the rest have already wilted) though the second orchid (without the spike) looks to be in pretty good shape, all things considered. They were both potted in sphagnum, without drainage, and completely dried out (I broke the pot to get them out).
I've removed them from the pot and moss and they're both soaking for the moment.
Any thoughts on whether the not-so-good one has a chance (and if so, how to save it)? Should I hedge my bets and give them each a pot or maybe assume that the sickly one won't make it but still give it a chance to live by potting it with the healthier one?