Phalaenopsis in healing after root rot; tips, thoughts, advice?
My Phalaenopsis recently suffered from root rot and looked like it wouldn't make it. I posted a thread about it here and followed advice from many of you. Now I am hopeful that it will make it, so I thank you for that!
I'd like to show you all the progress of my Phalaenopsis and see what your opinion about its current state is. Any suggestions, thoughts, tips, advice, ideas, all feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
I've attached a picture that shows the roots before I potted it, the orchid a few days after I repotted it, and a close-up of the medium I potted the orchid in (sphagnum and fir-bark mix).
So I've repotted my orchid to a well-drained pot that is smaller in circumference and tall (to accommodate the roots being at the bottom tip of the stem).
As you can see, I've made sure that there is more bark than moss this time. I've also put the styrofoam "peanuts" at the bottom (which I covered with medium before potting the orchid, of course).
The leaves seem stiffer, and the remaining spike dried so I ended up removing it entirely. I previously put cinnamon on the areas I cut away to prevent drying (I repotted once just before this time but was told to use a smaller pot), so I just gently rinsed them this time.
I wish I used the peroxide treatment or the cinnamon/alcohol mix on the roots as fungucide, but I found out about it after I already potted it up. Is it possible to apply these without removing much medium, or no? I'd still like to treat the roots with a fungucide, but dont want to stress the orchid by removing it from the medium again.
Anyhow, I had a bag over it till today, I felt it needed air, did I do the right thing?
Please give me all your thoughts, ideas, tips, advice, concerns, anything, I welcome and appreciate all your input.
Thank you all so much for your time and kindness!