Buying 'Chids online?
I'm relatively new to growing orchids and haven't really figured out where the best place to buy orchids is as I have had mixed results. I have bought three orchids, but only two have made it.
The first one I bought I bought from a store online that seemed really reputable and I found some recommendations for. I chose one that I liked, it was a red catleya, and they mailed it to me. However, when it arrived, it had a lot of brown spots on it and didnt make it. Based on the time of year it came it might have been heat damage.
The other two I got from places were I wouldn't expect the quality to be as good as they are. One i got from Home Depot (I know I was skeptical too) and the other I bought at a farmers market and both have been doing pretty well.
I didn't know if my online experience was just a fluke or if one should always stay away from that. There aren't many nurseries or anything like that around where I live now, so Im not sure if I should try ordering something online again.