How do I save my orchids from root rot?
Got two mini Phalaenopsis orchids at Christmas this year. I thought I was being really careful to wait until they were dry before I watered them, but the leaves started turning yellow. Took them out of the moss to look at them and saw they have root rot.
One is not too bad...lots of roots left. The other only has a few. I cut off the dead roots and repotted them in new moss. I moved the one with only a few roots left to a tiny pot.
I am very nervous about watering them now. It is so hard to tell if the moss is all the way dry. Should I repot them in bark chips? They are very tiny plants and the bark chips seem too big for them.
I keep the pots in tall glass containers with pebbles and a little water to help with house is very dry. I am careful to make sure that the water is not touching the pots.
Also...should I cut the flower spikes off? I'm thinking they should be growing new roots, not flowers right now.
Should I fertilize them? I hope they live. I'm just sick that I did this to them!