Just wondering how everyone feels about using those beautiful (and expensive) glazed pottery orchid pots with saucers that I see at the garden shops. I was wondering if they are good for orchids or if they are more "just for show". I noticed most of the pros seem to avoid them. Which types of orchids would do best in these pots?
I think you can grow in pretty much any container Cindy, you just might have to change how you grow. Specifically with these pots most only have a center drain hole so you'd have to be careful with watering. In my opinion I think they're fine.
Thanks for the reply! The pots that I am talking about have a drainage hole on the bottom plus lots of other holes around the sides. Almost looks like the orchid medium will fall right out the holes!
I like the orchid pots, but they always seem to dry out the roots faster, which means more water. I recommend putting the plant in a plastic pot that will fil inside the clay one.
I like the orchid pots, but they always seem to dry out the roots faster, which means more water. I recommend putting the plant in a plastic pot that will fil inside the clay one.
That shouldn't be a problem for most species because they appreciate the roots drying somewhat (at least overnight). Most people have the opposite problem of roots rotting due to never drying out. I personally use waterlily baskets that are all holes (mesh) in order to hold all the finest bark and/or perlite and let the roots get quite dry overnight. Just my preference.
Some of my best growers are in pots like the ones you describe with pure sphagnum moss. They require watering twice a week. They are a bit too expensive for me (clear plastic pots with slits work just as well) but I like them.
No problem using them If you want to have al arge collection they tend to be impractical because they are so heavy
Anyways I have tons of asian cermic pots for those plants with foliage I can display in or out of bloom. And I also slip plastic pots of blooming plants into them