Originally Posted by Singingirl96
Hi All.
I have a phal that is very healthy and has been in bloom for about one full year now. It spiked last spring, right before the flowers died, it branched off and flowered again, than it branched off again... all from the same spike.
My question is: Should I cut the spike off even though it has 6 blooms on it to give the plant a chance to rest and send up another spike from the base?

It's me again.
IMO Chids use a lot of energy to produce blooms. It's kind of like having a baby. If it were mine I'd remove the spike when these blooms begin to expire.
It's Spring and it shouldn't be long before your plant will naturally want to put forth new growth . If it's allowed to keep blooming it may weaken the plant. It's common for Phals to spike only once a year. My Florida grown Phals begin spiking just after the weather cools which is usually in December. However, they don't actually bloom until sometime between late February and early May.