General questions
Okay, so I started having orchids 4-5 years ago but still consider myself a beginner because none of my orchids have ever "thrived" for very long under my care (though I've managed to keep most of them alive) and some have been near death and I somehow miraculously gotten them through it.
This year I seem to be unable to get any of them to bloom, lol. I normally don't feed any plant much during the winter but I began feeding all of them around february this year and I just moved them a few days ago because I thought maybe they weren't getting enough light. They were all pretty dark green which I hear means they need more light. Could this be why they weren't blooming? I've been doing a pretty good job of keeping the humidity regular. I also just recently replace all their bark and finally invested in some cedar baskets and one old tree fern "pot/mount" that have been laying around in the greenhouse I work at for years now.
Well, since I thinkI might be rambling too much, I will cut to the chase, lol.
1.) Can I mount orchids on any drift wood (from nearby freshwater lakes)? I really don't like paying much for a chunk of wood and I worry about the environmental impacts of harvesting tree ferns and other exotic woods for the orchid trade.
2.) Is there any actual organic fertilizers I can use for orchids? I really love using stuff like fish/kelp extracts and compost tea. It's so much healthier for plants and you don't get the nasty salt build-up not to mention all the other benefits from a sustainability stand point. I just want to get the nutrient ratio right for orchids.
I'm sure I will have more questions! thanks!