Originally Posted by rallygirl
i am curious about toys/tricks for monitoring temperature and humidity. i suspect that i have orchids that require more knowledge/skill than i have at the moment and i am looking for something that will generate numbers so i can be more specific about cultivating the ideal environment for my new pals.
especially for humidity. it's easy to read that 40-60% is needed... but what does that mean?
You can get the details on Relative Humidity
here, more details than you probably want. Another interesting discussion from a meteorologist's point of view is
Basically, RH measures the amount of water vapour in the air at a particular temperature compared to the amount that would be present if the air were saturated at that temperature. There's more to it than that but that's essentially all a grower really needs to know.
At many hardware stores and some nurseries you will find relatively cheap devices which measure temperature and relative humidity and keep track of the maximum and minimum levels recorded. They are very useful and not expensive.