OK, so I got my first orchid and over watered. After three days of this, naturally my orchid blooms started to fall off and it looked pitiful. I did some quick reading on the web (wish I had done that three days ago!) and took it out of the pot and carefully removed all the drenched moss from around the roots. It's a good thing I did or mold would have set in for sure. Right now I have the roots exposed sitting on a bed of gravel with a small bit of water in an open pot. I tried to dry out the moss but no luck. I can't get out tonight to get anything else. What can I use temporarily to save my poor naked orchid??
Put it in a plastic pot with no media and mist the heck out of the roots. It will be fine for a day or two without media. Just remember to mist it daily.
I have had to "save" two Phals after I notices a rather attractive blue/green mould growing on the media. Unfortunately I can not get my hands on good quality mix in Ireland. 2 hour round trip later I had Hyrdaton unfortunately it takes about 4 days to prepare. Got a glass of water and sat the Phals in the water for about 2 minutes each night. Once the the roots were green I poured it out. dried leaves etc and left the glass damp. Every morning I misted it. They survived the 5 days like that and are doing very well in Semi Hydro. Its just a suggestion but I got the idea from reading about hanging Vandas and watering the same way. Be careful of getting water in the crown.
I left it alone with the roots exposed and just misted it. Looked ok. This morning I took some of the now just damp moss and loosely surrounded the roots. Tonight the roots are only slightly green, more yellow, and the last blooms fell off. I will try removing the moss and just misting or the paper towel. I clearly need to get to the nursery and get some good food for it too. Also, I have been using tap water and that probably isn't good either. Will try pure water and see if that helps. Thank you all for your help!
Looking for a misting system? Look no further. Automated misting systems from MistKing are used by multitude of plant enthusiasts and are perfect for Orchids. Systems feature run dry pumps, ZipDrip valve, adjustable black nozzles, per second control! Automatically mist one growing shelf or a greenhouse full of Orchids.
Just a follow-up to this posting. The orchid made it, bloomed again off a second shoot and just finally lost those blooms. It turned into a gorgeous plant. Thank you all for helping me that day! Hard to beleive that I am now growing orchids on a regular basis!