I didn't know that systemic insecticides could cause this to happen...wow...but since this plant has been in my care for eight months, pesticide free, I can't imagine this to be the case. Although now that I think about it, it's possible that it could have been exposed to some kind of "chemical drift" over this past summer, since I grow my orchids outside and have a neighbor who's a bit over-zealous with the lawn chemicals. (Can't stand him! He's obsessed with having a barren green lawn...my dandelions must drive him crazy.

That being said, I am definitely going to follow up on recommendations to test for virus. Returning these plants isn't really an option for me--suffice it to say that the vendor my husband used (a big online retailer who probably draws in a lot of business from people fairly new to orchids) hasn't been the most pleasant to deal with and I don't want more of a headache. I'm just going to write this experience off as a "lesson learned" and in the future stick to ordering from the companies who I know care about their plants...and customers! (Though I did email the company with the same pic I have on here in order to inform them of the problem). Thanks again for all the helpful advice!