Hi all!
I'm a bit of a lurker here, posted a few times, but mostly just read. I'm looking for a bit of help with my Zygopetalum "Syd Monkhouse".
My mom and I went to an orchid show in Cleveland last year on a special "girls only" trip we took together. I bought a Zygopetalum from a local grower and she chose a Dendrobium. The plant did wonderfully for me for a long time and was putting out new growths and then my cat got curious and basically destroyed the poor thing. Unpotted it twice, tore up most of its lovely long leaves... you get the picture.
Well, my hubby, being the sweetie he is and knowing what that 'chid meant to me, took the ID tag, called the grower and got me a replacement.

(Yep, he's a keeper!)
I'm trying not to kill this one. My issues are these:
When it arrived the pseudobulbs were plump almost to bursting, now they're all shrively and I"m not sure what to do to plump them back up. Should I soak it for awhile in a dish of water? I've heard not to spray or get Zygo leaves wet... is that true? I should mention that it arrived in bud and has since bloomed and the flowers have just dropped off. Also, on some of the leaves, I've been noticing black spots developing towards the ends that look similar to black spots that bananas get when they start to go overripe. The leaves start to yellow around the black spots and this seems to spread pretty quickly. I've cut a few of the leaves back to try to stop this from spreading if it is indeed a disease of some kind... am I doing the right thing? Or are these just leaves that are old and dying back on their own?
I noticed a new growth starting at the back of one of the pseudobulbs today so it must be doing alright. (?) Also, the roots were plump and pale and lovely when it arrived and since some seem to be dying off. Since the blooms are done and the 'chid is definitely in need of a new pot (tight root ball, pseudobulbs hanging over the pot), I assume just trimming off the older roots will be ok... should I do anything else?
Sorry this was so lengthy... I just don't want to kill another one (even though hubby swears the first was the cat's fault and not mine) Zygos are simply my favorite orchids and I'd really like to do well by this plant!
Thanks in advance!!