Originally Posted by rsfrid
To expand on Rob's message (which I totally agree) several things are wrong. First it's only a so-so insulation. Second, to be effective it must be on the same side of glass as the heat (insulation slows heat migration - not cold migration) therefore you'd have to place it on the outside of the glass for summer use. Third, it is very fragile and would break down and blow away if on the outside in the sun. You are better off to have lots of big fans and perhaps the cooling of water evaporating from wet pads in front of fans (swamp cooler).
Thanks for the input rsfrid,
I had about 3 layers of bubblewrap over my hobby GH in winter/spring which helped heat it up a fair bit because it trapped the heat from the 150 watt metal halide and 2 45 watt compact fluroescent lights. I was thinking about it on the walls and ceiling of the little lean-to I am planning on using for the winter but I guess I will have to make the effort to remove it when the days start getting hotter