Originally Posted by JustAddIceOrchids
Hello - Watering with 3 ice cubes a week per orchid plant in a pot is a safe and easy way to care for phalaenopsis orchids, which with the calculated measurement of ice cubes, helps prevent overwatering.
The ice cube watering method is only recommended for Just Add Ice Orchids, as other orchids may be sensitive to ice and 3 ice cubes per week may not be sufficient. However, you're welcome to experiment with this watering method with other orchids, especially if your orchids are Phalaenopsis.
If you've had success with caring for your orchids using a different method, then feel free to continue with your regular routine, although we encourage you to try this watering method for yourself!
Just Add Ice ORCHIDS
Thank you for specifying the method is recommended for specific plants...
that being said, I'd like to add my

to the main conversation:
I love seeing a great conversation taking place here

As long as it stays in line with our "be nice or else" rule, it's all good
We learn from trying new things. Every person who has written a book about how to grow orchids learned what they learned by experimenting, yes?
I've said it before and I know I'll have to say it again at some point...
the only rule about orchid-growing is that there are NO rules! Read all you can, try to make an educated decision and
Have fun