i am getting a vanda and a cattalya on saturday and they have come from thailand! so i have been reading about vandas and some say they should just be put in a wooden crate - which i will build if they need that! my question is how big a box do i make? and is this really the way to grow them? thanks for helping me!!!
I assume you are growing in a greenhouse? My Vanda's love high light so they are hanging up in wooden baskets near the roof. They need frequent water when growing in the basket. Lots of roots hanging.
the size of the 'box' is according to the size of the plant...you wouldnt put a baby in a huge pot! so lets see what you get then we can answer your question! i hope you are pleased with it!
It would really depend on the size of the plant in question. Since your new to Vandas, you might want to read this post. I have found it very intriguing.
hey jim, thanks! im in orlando and those are some of my plants (when it was still warm enough to keep them outside!)... i hope they all make it through the winter alright... right now i have about 20+ vandas that are living indoors!.. totally new to me, im used to just letting them get watered by the rain or a hose...