I agree with King. Your general mix of medium bark, charcoal and coarse perlite sounds good except for the chunky peat. The peat stays too wet too long, and cattleyas like to dry out after being watered. Could you possibly pick it out? If not, use the fir bark and charcoal that you have and put a good layer of peanuts on the bottom for added air to the roots.
And I agree with Elitebettas. If you leave it in the moss it needs a clay pot. But I grow in plastic pots with a similar medium bark mix with coarse perlite that King recommends and have no trouble. And as King says, clear plastic pots are fun. The Burana Beauty blooms better when very pot bound, so when you repot, don't go any larger in pot size. The BB blooms anytime during the year on every new lead, so the goal is to grow new leads.
As Johnblagg says, it's best to plant when the roots are growing, otherwise sometimes the plant will sulk. If you can grow in moss, by all means wait until you see new growth. But if you aren't used to growing in moss you take the chance of killing the plant with too much water, since moss holds a great deal of water. Many people in warmer parts of the country have great success growing in moss, but many people in my part of the country can't get the hang of it, and I'm one of them.
Give it as much light as the leaves can take. As soon as you see new growth increase your fertilizing. With any luck it will bloom on the next new lead.
BB is not a big grower, but it is a vigorous grower and has beautiful blooms.
Last edited by Orchid126; 02-10-2010 at 03:52 PM..