I am new here and am hoping to get some great info on my Phals. I purchase a couple from Ikea every year and usually kill them by the time I go to Ikea again. This year, I managed to keep them alive.
Currently, I have four phals. Two are blooming (for a second time) and the other two bloomed only once so far and show no signs of reblooming. They are heathy looking but without spikes. They are all between one and two years old.
They are in their original orange plastic pots in moss which I placed in ceramic pots to match the decor. When the moss feels dry and crunchy, I fill the sink, and submerge them in the water until the moss is moist and dark again.
After not seeing any results, I moved the plants to a west facing window in my warm bedroom where one plant promptly grew one spike. Another produced three spikes. Then, my son (one of six kids) broke off a spike.

Two weeks later, my daughter broke off a spike.

I now have two blooming plants with one spike each.
Several questions:
1. What, if anything am I doing right or wrong? BE BRUTIALY HONEST!
2. When should I repot?
3. can they be repotted when flowering?
4. should I repot in bark? if so, what exactly do I buy and where?
5. should I mount it? this would be an attempt to keep it away from tiny fingers. Also, I like the dramatic look of a mounted orchid. If so, how exactly is this done and where do I purchase the needed supplies?
6. Should I give my kids away in exchange for beautiful orchids?