Originally Posted by markr
I've grown a few Aerangis fastuosa for a couple years. One of my favourite mini epiphytes. I think the essentials with them are: high temperature, high humidity, relatively low light (like Phalaenopsis), frequent waterings, and good aeration for the roots.
I personally grow them in a hot terrarium mounted on small pieces of driftwood with sphagnum. Humidty about 75% and good air movement from a computer fan. Their roots get heavily sprayed once a day and are allowed to dry down before the following day. Fertilized once a week with 1/4 strength 20-20-20. For a few months in winter they seem to slow down - I slightly drop the temperarue, humidity, and only fertilize once a month. Overall, similar to Angraecum, but I've heard they are not as tolerant of low temperatures - I have no personal experience with that though.
Thanks for that info Mark,
I got a 2 leaf freebie A. fastuosa that had only been out of flask for a week tied to a bit of corkbark which has been out in my hobby GH and only put a new root [or two maybe
] since I've had for several months now.
It has not had any vegative growth at all
so I've put it in my Jebo 'terrarium' where hopefully the extra heat and humidity will encourage it to grow some
Now I just have to remember to water it *every* day I kind of get lazy about doing that