This question has multiple answers depending on what you're trying to ask specifically.
1. If you're trying to artificially induce blooming of your Phalaenopsis, then the answer is essentially, you can do it any time you want.
Is it good for the long term health of your plants?
I'd have to say no.
For any plant (orchid or not) to put up a spike and bloom, it takes a lot of energy. In other words, it's energetically expensive.
If you're trying to repeatedly artificially induce blooming multiple times in a year, that can cause major problems that can lead to the plant's demise.
Do people artificially induce blooming in Phals?
The answer is a resounding, yes! This is why Phals can be sold at any time of the year.
However, that doesn't mean it's necessarily a practice that should be done by a hobbyist without discretion.
2. If you're asking about whether a Phal (Phal is the actual scientific abbreviation for Phalaenopsis), naturally blooms all throughout the year. The answer is, it depends. Some bloom once a year only. Others can bloom two or three times a year naturally.
Not all Phals have the same bloom cycle, btw.