Hi Everyone,
I'm so excited...I just received an order of plants from Kawamotoorchids on Ebay. They are: Bl. Mililani Stars "Nalo", BUDDED; Ascda. Princess Mikasa x self, In Spike; Onc. ornithorhynchum, IN BLOOM; Oeniella polystachys, 5 SPIKES; Lc. Fire Dance 'Patricia', Budded; Dendrochilum stenophyllum, 10 Budded Spikes.
They arrived in beautiful, wonderful condition...all buds, flowers, and spikes in perfect condition!!!!
The reason I'm so thrilled is because I received an order from them earlier this month that through no fault of Kawamotoorchids arrived partly frozen and very wet!!! I lost two of the plants completely and the rest are being nursed along as we speak. Fedex left the plants somewhere (probably in a cold, wet terminal) that was not real good for plants!!!

The box was very well packed and it was totally the shippers fault.
The best part of this wordy story is that when Reid at Kawamoto heard about this he immediately responded to my complete satisfaction. The result GREAT PLANTS AND SERVICE!!!! I will definately buy from them again.

Thanks for listening to my diatribe but when I get going there's no stopping me.