Originally Posted by orchidrookie44
I live in Florida and recently experienced cold weather damage to my orchids. Although I kept them in the warmest spot I could, covered in frost sheets the dendrobiums have a lot of yellow leaves. The vandas and catt.'s look okay. Should I remove the leaves and cut back the canes(whatever they are called)?......That's why I'm a rookie. Please help
I live in Central Florida and have also lost a few dendrobium leaves despite bringing all of my plants indoors. After the leaves dry out they will fall from the plant on their own. I caution you to not remove a dendrobium cane until it is completely wrinkled and yellowed. The old canes, in spite of their unattractive appearance, serve as an important energy reserve for the rest of the plant. Removing a bare cane too soon can significantly set back future growths. I learned this the hard way.