Hi folks, my first post here. I've found the forum very helpful so far with searching, but need to ask my specific questions just to feel special
I received a Phal as a gift a couple of months ago. Had 2 flower spikes with at least 3 flowers/buds per spike. All but one have fallen off. I was watering every 7-10 days, and last week one leaf turned yellow and leathery. Overall it still looks fairly healthy with 7 green leaves and 2 green flower spikes.
After searching here I decided to take a look at the roots and found it packed very tightly in sphagnum moss and maybe half of the roots were very yellow/black and rotting. The moss was very damp despite the infrequent watering. I removed all of the moss, cut away the dead roots and used a small amount of cinnamon to the cut roots since I didn't use sterilized scissors. I then repacked it in the now drier moss, since I didn't have another medium to use, but only used 3/4 of the original amount and didn't pack it directly under the crown. The pot doesn't have slits on the side but does have drainage holes on the bottom. I never let the bottom of the pot sit in water and thought it was drying out enough between waterings. I believe that I was wrong in this assumption since the roots were rotting.
Whew. After all that, my questions are:
1. I live in an apartment in Vancouver, BC with ONLY a north facing window. Is this going to be enough light or should I not bother with trying to maintain this orchid? During the day there is plenty of light, just not direct sunlight during the winter months. Summer is another story.
2. Now that I think root rot was a primary problem, I would like to repot in a different medium and pot. Would that cause too much stress if I did it in the next couple of days? Should I wait and see if I have caused too much trauma first?
Thanks so much for any suggestions, looking forward to picking the brains of the smart folks here!