I think twinkles like to approach dry before watering, more than some other types of oncidiums. Mine is in a west window which actually is shaded most of the day - only gets a short time of direct light mid-afternoon. Mine is potted in a clay pot with small grade orchid bark mix. This is my only oncidium in a clay pot, but it nearly succumbed to some funky rot last summer, which is why I keep it a bit drier than other oncidium types I have. It's budding up now so guess it's happy.
Regular flourensent light may not be sufficient to induce blooming.
I should also mention the humidity where I live is quite low compared to most places, and I don't do anything special to increase humidity for most of my plants, twinkle included.
If blooms are dropping they may just be done. Or could drop from stress (change in environment).
Pics are always helpful - and we all like to just admire other's orchids as well