I'm no expert, but after killing a few, I think I found a happy choice for growing them for me. Might be different for you as I grow them year round outdoors.
Anyhoos, of all the ones I killed, they all seemed to have spagnum moss in them. I now repot immediately and remove any trace of moss. I repot in a mixture of charcoal, coconut chips, leca balls, and tree fern chunks.
What I have found is they need to dry out in between waterings, but since we have long periods of rain, they need fungicide treatments.
Light needs are generally full sun/ partly shade, unless in the harshest of our summers, then part sun, mostly shade.
I feed them once a week in the summer, every two weeks in the winter. I use non urea water soluble fertilizer with superthrive.
I have most growing in clay pots, but some in wooden baskets.
Good luck and happy growing!!