Hi, can you help with advice on how to make a minimalist setup (low tech, low cost, that could be left unattended during the day), serving tray sized, movable when the place it occupies will be necessary for the work.
Is it possible at all and what would be the best solution?
I have six orchids: cattleyas, oncidiums, mttsa, cymbidium, all in not good shape. Would like to improve their life without disrupting mine
I am in zone 6a, have large south-oriented window. In sunny hours sun overheats pots and leaves, in cloudy hours there not much light. Sheer fabric will rob orchids of light, and without it it's too hot there, during the day. In frosty cloudy days, leave alone nights, temperature is too low for a growth.
I wonder how grower from much colder Manitoba kept orchids near the glass without problems So it is doable.
Any tips? Remember, low tech, low cost, safe to be left without human attendant during the day.
I can place them on serving tray and place it within 2 ft from window (lace curtained for privacy). This way the available natural light will be used. For raising humidity without leaving humidifier on for a day time unattended, I can place orchids in big transparent plastic bags,
or place them in 10 gal used fish tank. It would be more difficult to move aside when table is needed for other task.
Or set this fish tank in permanent place, but this will be beside the window, most of natural lighting will be lost. I think that 1-2 26W CFL (each eq. of 100W incandescent) in desktop lamps will be enough.
And room temperature is 72F (22C), but near the window, energy efficient and sealed by transparent plastic film, temperature is much lower, 64F (18C). Hopefully enclosure and lights will keep orchids warmer.
Or should I give up orchids at all?