Ok.. so I'm not sure if you all remember me but a little over a month ago I posted about receiving two Phal orchid plants from a very sweet new love of mine. I was terrified I would kill them... well here is an update!
After having moved them from my work to home in 20 degree weather... poor things experienced bud blast and I thought for sure I had done them in.
Well I'm happy to report that Plant #1's stalk (or whatevert it's called) continued to grow and has about 4-5 little buds that look like they are getting bigger by the day.
Plant #2 is ROCKING!!! About 3-4 days after the bud blast I noticed that not only is the end of the stalk continuing to grow and have new buds mature, but about halfway down, a new offshoot has begun!!!

I'm so excited! The buds on it are still really small but it's getting longer and they are getting bigger every day.
I feel so proud of myself.
Of course... next week I get to move to my new apartment... thankfully the weather is a little bit better here in Wisconsin and it won't be AS cold when I have to take them outside. Should I still be worrying or do you think they will be okay? (I don't want to screw up all the lovely new growth!)
I promise I will try to take pictures when I can... the ones I took last week came out crappy cause I was using my little travel camera and not my nice SLR