Orchid fertilizer:
Non-urea based. Preferably ammonia or nitrate based.
N-P-K, something around 20-20-20, doesn't have to be exact. Actually you most likely won't find a fertilizer that's exactly 20-20-20. I say it so people have a ballpark idea of what they should be looking for.
Potting media:
Bark, maybe with a thin top dressing of moss if the humidity is low.
If humidity is severely low, try s/h (semi-hydroponics).
Light is bright shade.
Humidity of 60% - 80% is sufficient. Higher humidity is fine.
Roots photosynthesize. Clear plastic pots help with this and you can see what's happening with the roots.
Most evergreen Phal species grow naturally on trees with little to no moss in the mid to lowland swamp forests of tropical southeast Asia or on trees near streams or rivers. They're particularly found in places like Malaysia, the Phillipines, and Indonesia (Taiwan as well).
Man-made hybrids have similar traits to their species counterparts, but can be a bit more forgiving.
Here are some pics of them growing in the wild that someone from Flickr took:
Google Image Result for http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2509/4097626519_bc4976e2c0_m.jpg