Thank you very much for all the replies~
I bought the plant exactly 1 month ago. When I was making the purchase, the first thing I looked for is the roots. I couldn't see any visual roots so I looked at the leaves. They looked stiff and green with no spots or anything so I decided to purchase it. The moss was so packed that there was no way knowing it only had a few dying roots. This is the only one I bought with no visual roots sticking out. I don't regret my purchase since its still living...for now. I'm gonna try my best to save it and if I can't, I'll dispose it after it dies.
I repoted it right after I purchased it with bark mix and its been in it since then. It didn't look like it got better or worse. Everything looks the same since 1 month ago. I think I will try the shrag n bag technique but with a container instead of a bag.