There are dozens of tricks to it; first of all, if it's cold, you'll want to have your vehicle warmed up before you take them to it. I don't know what it's like down there right now but up here there's 4" of snow on the ground and it's around -5 C/23 F!
Also if it's cold, you'll want to cover the plants. Generally, I've found a large cardboard box works best, that will fit the plants, spikes and all. Otherwise, you'll have to use a large bag and try not to hit the flowers too much with it. In a box, it's quite easy to keep the plants from shifting by placing small, heavy objects between the pots. If your spikes aren't staked, staking them will help to keep them from bending. With bagged plants I place them in the back of the car (I have a station wagon) with heavy objects between the pots so they don't shift, or behind the front seats.
Hope this helps.