Originally Posted by Raenbo
I am going to attempt to mount two phalaenopsis plants, a bellina and a mannii, on cork bark with sphagnum moss. My natural instinct was to secure it near the bottom of the mount allowing for it to grow up, or climb up, the mount over the years. However I believe I read somewhere that phalaenopsis should be mounted "upside down", so to speak, so that water would not accumulate in the crown.
Do I mount towards the bottom with the crown facing up, allowing for the phal to climb up the mount, or towards the top, with the crown facing down?
Thanks for any help!
If you chek the Growing on Mounts, here on the board - you will find all what you need to make the perfect mount - theres lot of picīs and guides
But yes, when mounting a phal the crown are facing down to take the water away from the middel, and yes, you mount it in the bottom so the roots can grow up like they do in the wild
but chek Growing on Mounts - all you need is there
take care