Brassia Rex Christine?
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Old 11-26-2009, 03:50 PM
corsea corsea is offline
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Brassia Rex Christine? Female
Talking Brassia Rex Christine?

Hi everyone, new here and new to orchids!

I just posted in the pests/diseases board about my Brassia Rex Christine, however I have some other general questions about it...

I was told to water only once per week by placing it in a bowl of water and allowing it to drink from the bottom of the pot. Is this enough? I suspect that my plant has been dehydrated as a result of too much sun (I'm new to this and thought more was better!).

I have a large south facing window that receives extreme amounts of sun all day long and two West facing windows that are somewhat blocked by the building beside me... what would be a good sunning routine? I thought I could leave it in my south window all day to get it's "bright sunlight" requirement, but it seems to have backfired on me!

Also, my apartment is quite dry, as the heat's on now (from radiators) and it's getting to be winter. Is there something I should be doing to ensure my plant stays happy and healthy and green?

Thanks, if you got through all of that... I have no experience growing anything, and this was a gift from my well-meaning mother who knows that I'd love to have something beautiful and unique in my new apartment. Any suggestions would be welcomed!!

Last edited by corsea; 11-26-2009 at 04:27 PM.. Reason: fixed window direction!
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Old 11-26-2009, 04:18 PM
slipperfreak slipperfreak is offline
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I posted a reply on your dehydration issue in the other thread .

As for light, Brassias are really more moderate light plants than bright light plants. I wouldn't expect a NE window to be too bright for a Brassia, because it would get direct sun only in the morning. For a Brassia, I would say an east or west window is best. A south window, which gets direct sun all day, might present problems.

Very dry houses can present problems for orchids, though I don't consider humidity the number one issue in orchid culture. Microclimates created by plant groupings are usually sufficient to keep orchids happy, but seeing as you have only one plant you have a few options. First, you have humidity trays, where a tray of water is set under the pot with pebbles that elevate the pot over the water so it is not sitting in water. This doesn't work great but it is better than nothing. Second, you have misting. This is really useless in my opinion, because its effects last only 5-10 minutes, so you would have to mist your plants constantly all day to get any effect. However, there's nothing wrong with misting when you walk by the plant. Finally, you can buy a humidifier, which is the most effective option. If you are serious about growing orchids and plan on expanding your collection, it might be a good idea to get one. I would also recommend a digital min/max thermometer/hygrometer combo.
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Old 11-26-2009, 04:26 PM
corsea corsea is offline
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Brassia Rex Christine? Female

Thanks again! It seems that I mixed up my directions on my windows... yes, it is a south window. The window's 5 feet tall and 7 feet across, so quite substantial for a one-bedroom apartment and probably a deciding factor in how dehydrated my orchid became in such a short time!

Thank you for all of your suggestions. I'll give the tray idea a try!
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Old 11-26-2009, 04:30 PM
slipperfreak slipperfreak is offline
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Definitely a south window could cause some leaf burning. So, I would move it a bit farther from the window and at a bit of an angle, or shade the window with a blind or one of those sheer curtains or whatever they're called (sorry, I don't buy window coverings at my house!).
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