Originally Posted by orchids3
It looks like you are getting buds alright. My experience is that Nobile type dendrobiums tend to initiate buds due to cool temperatures. Many people with hold water but I continue to water mine as long as the plant has leaves. It is not wise to generalize about hybrids because each species in its makeup will influence the way the plant responds to growing conditions. It takes time and patience to research natural habitat of each species in the hybrid but a good grower will do it.
I agree with you on this. They definitely look like buds to me as that is what mine looked like at first then they exploded into full spikes/buds (see the below link)
14 Hours in the Greenhouse Yesterday / SPIKES!
I also agree with the watering regimen too. If you are really into Dens (like I am), I recommend getting a couple of really good Den species books. Then I recommend going to The International Orchid Register and taking the time to research your orchid name back to it's original parent species. (see the below link)
The International Orchid Register | Royal Horticultural Society
With a lot of Dens, this can take some time as the Hybrids branch out into a large family tree HOWEVER I think this is an important step to determine how much "winter rest" your Den will need (or not).
For example, I got a Den from our Society orchid swap that I would have sworn was a Nobile type by just looking at it. I took the time to research it back and found out that it is NOT AND I found out that it actually prefers Intermediate-Warm all year long with profuse watering. I am now rewarded by that research with 3 bloom spikes and a very healty chid.
Winter is a perfect time to do this research as a lot of us are hibernating inside and a lot of our chids don't need as much attention (at least mine don't).
I'm excited to see that you put it in s/h. I know you saw my post on the other page. I hope you have good luck with it. I love s/h. I would really like to see some more photos. Also, if it is a true "winter rest" Den make sure you don't over pot it. They do LOVE to be tight in the pot and it helps if you have some bottom weight to keep them from tipping. You can't see it in the photo but the bottom of my s/h 2L coke bottles have a 2" layer of lava rock for ballast.