I'm late always, just came back with the dogs. During summer I often inspected my orchids with a flash light (outdoors), even watered them when it was very hot. I dried the laundry on a line at 3 am LOL etc. Years ago I had a huge group of ferrets and they were very tame, I handled them every day and once I heard neighbors say to eachother that I had a group of rats.
My orchid lights went on on 4 am ;-), 4 x 36 Watt in the beginning. That is a huge amount of light when it reflects to white walls LOL.
Don't know what I'm: the ferret lady, the dog lady, the plant lady... I don't mind ;-)
They are all very surprised when I tell them about my orchids, how many I have, that I grow them under lights, they I'm waiting for orchids from France, United Kingdom or like now from Austria... heh.... Even the mail man know's its either pet products or plants that he delivers here :-)
Have a good night,