Hi, I am fairly new to orchids (see my post on the intro section) and have a very large cattleya to repot. It was given to me and I have finally gotten around to repotting it. I have repotted another one like it and have had good success.
My question/problem is about how to care for the divided plants (16 regular size and 5 small divisions) untill I can get them properly potted. I got a bug to finally tear apart the pot so I have done this. I layed them out on the grass and watered them well. I am thinking of putting them on my north side patio (w/roof) and work on them the next few days. Is this ok?
Also, I have been using the small bags of orchid potting mix from Home Depot and it is going to be quite expensive to use that for all of these plants. I have read in my books and online that you can use packing peanuts (not the biodegradable one) to pack in the bottom so I am thinking of getting some of them.
Any help on how to save money and handle so many plants at once would be appreciated. I am going to give some to an orchid growing friend. My other friends kill regular plants so I don't dare give some to them. Thanks