My husband bought me a Dendrobium Orchid back in August and it was gorgeous. I have no idea about flowers/gardening so I thought I let that be my first try.
Then the flowers started to fall off and I did not cut the stem. I continued to water the orchid by putting in a water bath once a week. The orchid was potted in sphagnum moss.
Two weeks ago, I realized a couple of the leaves turned yellow and had a black spot in the middle. I guess it was root rot, so I removed the orchid from the medium which was moist, and checked the roots. Well, they were brown and some where green and some white. I removed the brown ones (90%) and as a result very little white and green roots left and they were so short.
I went to Wal-mart and got some Miracle-Gro orchid mix (I had no idea what to get, I wished I got more assistance from them) I repotted my orchid but it is a little wobbly since the root system is very short and not enough support.
I left the pot near the window and a few days ago, I left the blinds opened and got some direct sunlight and I forgot about removing the orchid from there. Today, I noticed a black spot on the edge on one of the leaves where it was exposed to the sun. Is that sun-burn or something else? I have attached pictures and the medium looked a little moist because I just put the pot in a water bath for 15 mins.
Please advice... I really want my orchid to grow... Thank you so much for helping this gardening newbie!
Cheers... from Charlotte, North Carolina