Thank you for welcoming me to the board!
I am still using the same pot that the orchid came in. It's clear plastic pot, 4" pot. The pot has like 8 holes measuring 1/4" each at the bottom but I made more 1/8" holes on the side just to allow more air in.
I have just changed the mix to Better-Gro Special Orchid Mix (endorsed by AOS) based on recommendation of many members here. I have read it is good to keep the orchid's surrounding humid so I put a few pieces of rock at the bottom of the decorative pot with some water. I made sure my clear orchid pot isn't touching the water, but just sitting on the rocks.
Also I have removed like 99% of the roots because I am not sure if they are dead or rotting or healthy. They looked off-white or slightly light brown, dry, thin and hard. I also noticed one new cane trying to grow. I hope this is a good sign!
I hope that will help to bring my beloved orchid back to life

Thank you so much for all the help!
Originally Posted by kjp8128
What kind of pot are you using? As a first time orchid owner it is good to plant in a clear orchid pot. This will allow you to see how the roots are doing. These pots are really cheap online or you could find them at a near by store. You will need holes at the bottom and if there aren't any slits on the side you cut holes with a knife. The holes allow air to circulate within the pot so you are more apt to not get root rot.
Also one more thing to think of. I see that your plant is tall, but don't let this fool you about re potting. You should look at the roots when deciding a pot for your den. You said that you had to cut alot of the roots off. Make sure the new pot is a goos size for your roots. It sound like you could possibly use a small one.
As for the medium, I would report it in the medium suggested "AOS endorsed better grow real bark and coal and perlite" Moss simply stays wet too long.
Any time you need help just ask. the Orchid Board has been very helpful to me.
Good luck and Welcome to Orchid Board!