Does anybody know if cork is a good mounting post for a phal orchid? If not what else should I use. Some sites had raptile cork but I did not know if this was good. Just want to get a little creative with orchid growing.
Cork makes a good mount for Phals and other orchids. Phals in nature grow with the leaves more out and down (so water drains out of the crown) than up. Try mounting them that way(roots up)
I have an orchid (aerangis biloba) mounted on cork from the pet store and a couple of phals mounted on grapewood also from pet store
If it's safe for fish and/or reptiles it should be fine for the plants.
Does it matter how many crevices the cork has? I saw some reptile cork this weekend but didn't pick it up because of that. Would it make it more difficult for the roots to attach or would they attach onto the cork or inside the holes?
Does it matter how many crevices the cork has? I saw some reptile cork this weekend but didn't pick it up because of that. Would it make it more difficult for the roots to attach or would they attach onto the cork or inside the holes?
Cork bark is great for mounting. The smoothness doesn't matter much since the roots don't need it to adhere to the surface. It also has the added benefit of being renewable unlike say tree fern panels. I have used red cedar also but I normally use well weathered pieces. Some say that roots will not adhere to it but I have not found that to be the case. Most any wood will do but durability is the most important factor. Some like pine rot quickly. I tried some maple but it seems to rot quickly also. Oak seems to work well and even Oak bark seems to work (Cork comes from an oak) I love mounted orchids so much more than potted ones so I encourage you to try it.
The roots crawl all over the cork, into the grooves if it feels like it or straight over it if that's the mood it's in
I also mount my Phals (hung sideways or upside-down) on cholla wood (cactus skeleton), in baskets, on cypress plaques, driftwood or even an old piece of Tupperware