I've seen a few post where a few of you will mention a certain genus that you feel is your favorite or new favorite. I would love to hear what you consider to be your favorite genus or group of orchids a why you lean toward growing them.
Catts.... LOL big floofy catts with brilliante color and fragrance.
AS to why probably because I always saw them at a nursery and was awed but they cost so much I wouldnt buy one for fear I would kill it......LOL found out they can be bought cheaper now and I am on the way.
I think a lot of people stick with what they know they can grow well. I like to try a wide variety of species from different genera. I currently have 153 plaants, from 27 different genera. a few I'd like to add to my collection:
I think a lot of people stick with what they know they can grow well. I like to try a wide variety of species from different genera. I currently have 153 plaants, from 27 different genera. a few I'd like to add to my collection:
Amen to that. I would love to get some Porpax but they seem to be pert near impossible to find in the US.
I think so far my favorite Genus would be Scaphosepalum but that will most likely change when I get whatever my next plant will be.
I've kinda of been fascinated with my little Tolumina also. I haven't had it long enough yet to see blooms, but I love getting the instant gratification of new growth and lots of new roots. All my collection is toonew or youthful for blooms yet I imagine I will be smitten once those Catts bloom.
That's a difficult question . Don't think I have a specific genus that I favor (ok, maybe I do like coelogyne's, jewel orchids and epidendrums a bit more then others ), I keep finding interesting species that I want to try out. My collection at the moment consists of all different species . Latest addition is Maxillaria schunkeana and when I get new plants I want to learn as much about it as possible
It's hard to choose one as there are so many out there!!!
I actually have two species that are my absolute favs, Epidendrum (or Nanodes or Neolehmannia) porpax and Dendrobium loddigesii. I just love their growth habits. I could be happy with just those! Aside from that I like Sophronitis, especially the rupicolous Laelias that were moved over. Oddly, my favorites aren't what I grow best. Then Renanthera and Brassavola would be my favs...