Hi Everyone

I went to a really good orchid sale a few weeks ago, and picked up a ton of great plants. Got 25 chids for $35!! And there were some really great ones such as Blc Victoria 'Bluebird' and Slc Jewel Box 'Shehezerade', Lc John Mossman, Catt Chocolate Drop 'Kodama', just to name a few. I have a question on one of the chids though as I have never grown one before. I got a Pholiodota chinensis but I have absolutely no idea on care. I have placed her next to my Bifrenaria's and my Lycastes for the time being, but can anyone advise what type of care they require? I would especially appreciate if any one could tell me what light levels she would like, in footcandles if possible. Any other tips for successful growing would be greatly appreciated.