Thanks all--
Yeah the spike is really something. I like how it went straight up, too. I did minimal rotating of the plant as it seemed it wasn't going to grow to one side or the other much, I figured a slight variation in rotation wouldn't bother it much.
The plant has been in s/h from March of 09 but went into this particular pot probably in May or June, after finally figuring out how this s/h system really worked. Note, this plant had no good roots left at one time. It lost its roots due to my poor care but after reading up on things here I got a grasp of how things were to be done if I wanted to keep the plant. It lived on bottom heat for a long time, with its other kin. The others aren't growing quite as well as this one but they began growing new roots later, too. But once they get even just two or three good roots into the s/h, they flourish!
The spike is no longer straight up as the top has begun to "fall over." It is still straight up in general but it is clear that the part with the buds is forming and is beginning to cascade now. I don't plan on moving it at all now, except to water, in hopes all the flowers will grow in the same direction.
Anyone have any tips on getting all the flowers to face the same way?
As for the color-- here she is-- NOID but this is my favorite plant....not just for the flowers, which are great, but the plant has given me so much joy, watching it grow and appreciate the care I'm finally giving it (which does require SOME neglect!).
I realize it is unlikely anyone has an ID for this phal but if there are any guesses, let me know. Thanks guys. I love sharing stuff with you-- good and bad-- cuz only orchid people "get" other orchid people. hehe Good thing is, I have another addiction-- hippeastrum and I'm now receiving new bulbs every week-- can WAIT for them to bloom. In fact I'm off to photograph a newly opening hippeastrum right now.
Thanks all!