My sister received a gorgeous white phal with purple accents as a gift. Everything seemed to being going OK for about a year. Then the plants leaves started turning yellow and it dropped them all. At the same time a new plant started growing at the base of the original plant. Then one of the new leaves dried up, leaving only one small leaf. She asked me to see if I could save it.
I've repotted it in orchid bark. It was potted in sphagnum moss and many of the roots were mushy. I guess that the roots were getting too much water and not enough air. I cut off all the bad roots when I repotted it. It still has plenty of good root, but I'm not sure it can survive with only the one small leaf. I've put it with my other orchids under grow lights on a humidity tray. Is there anything else I should be doing to try and rescue this plant? Is there any hope?!! Should I be fertilizing it or not?
Your advice would be greatly appreciated.