Buying orchids & having them shipped in winter.That's something I've done this past winter.Most were done through ebay altho' there have been others.I paid extra by having a heat pack included when the weather was bitterly cold especially since some were in bud or spk.One for example was in double spk to the point that the buds were beginning to open.It arrived here in 12 degree weather & the bud I lost was not due to cold but me knocking it off accidently.The plant never skipped a beat & continued to bloom.That one was wrapped beautifully in flannelette(like a kids blanket )with a heat pack .That period of time we were colder than Alaska.I know since my bro-in-law has lived in Anchorage for 50+ yrs.Do you belong to an orchid club up there.I attended a mtg there once when I was there visiting.
Sue is right tho'--many vendors stop shipping in the cold months.