So I got my first orchids a few months ago, and have actually been able to limit myself to just the 2 I originally purchased (VERY trying at times. I want them all!!
). My DTPS was suffering from major root rot, and proceeded to lose ALL of it's roots. I'm trying to bring it back with the good old Sphag 'n Bag, which seems to be working, though only time will really tell.
My Phal, which was preggers when I got it, has been growing like crazy. Even with the seed capsule drain it has quickly put out a new leaf. Today, when I got home from work, it was on the floor... Potting media EVERYWHERE. It isn't damaged at all, and while I was looking at it, I noticed a TON of new roots. I guess it's happy, because it looks like it grew so much that it knocked itself off of the shelf.
I'm just happy that one of them is doing well, and I had to share with everyone.