Hi all. I've recently taken to putting damp sphagnum moss over the newest roots on my brand new mini-phal at work, and they're growing like mad, so I did the same with my normal phal at home last night... today I found this article about aerial roots:
Orchid Roots – Repotting | River Valley Orchidworks
I'm assuming that the new roots on my mini will be ok, since they're growing -into- this damp environment. I'm hoping, though that the moss over the roots on my normal phal will be able to hold more humidity in the media, as my apartment is really much too dry for an orchid - I was finding the top-most roots tend to be slightly wizened by the time watering day rolls around. (I have started running a humidifier in my little bachelor's, and repotted in a clay pot with lots of drainage sitting in a shallow dish of water (sort of minor s/h?).)
My question is, do you agree with this article, and do you think that a thin layer of damp sphag can damage aerial or semi-aerial roots? Do you think new roots can be "trained" one way or the other? Can old roots be gradually adjusted over long periods of time (I'm thinking of situtations like mounting, s/h, etc.) or not, and that's why we wait for 'new growth' before mounting or s/h, etc? (Wouldn't it be cool to gradually 'train' and orchid out of it's pot and onto it's mounting media? I suppose it would take years and years, though.)
Thanks in advance for your replies and suggestions!