Hi everyone,
This is my first reed stem Epiendrum, so could someone please tell me what this new growth is? The plant has 5. The tag says Epi. Pak Girl x Pacific Embers (Pacific Glory).
I would appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance,
LOL! Terri, if all of you told me that the new growth is a GOOD thing, I was gonna mention that the plant used to be yours. Otherwise, I wasn't gonna disclose the previous owner.
Thanks for your help! (lol)
Vicki, it's an Epi and that is a keiki, which if left alone, will flower fairly quickly.
You will find the keiki will develop a root system and separate from 'mum' very easily.
Thank you! I'm feeling like a new grandmom already!
Originally Posted by Baz in Oz
Vicki, it's an Epi and that is a keiki, which if left alone, will flower fairly quickly.
You will find the keiki will develop a root system and separate from 'mum' very easily.